Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Oracle BI 11gR1 Client Tools Installation

One of the major pain points with OBIEE 11g was the installation. As a developer, one has to install the whole suite to be able to work with the systems. Even if a company has development environment setup in a data center, all the developers had to install  the whole suite on their local machine to be able to do any modeling.
As we know the install is not trivial, and takes up a lot of disk and process space.
OBIEE 11g Client Tools

Recently Oracle released the "Client Tools" Only installation package which will allow developers to install the following components:

The install is pretty simple and only asks a couple of things - the install directory and the place you want your shortcut icons to reside.

When complete, you can run the "RPD Administrator tool" and a "Job Manager" on your local machine without having the whole OBIEE deployed.

There is no 64bit support for this package.


Monday, March 28, 2011

OBIEE - 11g Inbuilt Mapping and Spatial capability - Setup BI Presentation Part III

I was finally able to fix the issue by creating a container managed datasource in weblogic and then use it in mapviewer




Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Checklist to secure your computer and GMAIL accounts

While browsing, I stumbled across this nice article by Google support!

Gmail Security Checklist

Whether you just regained access to Gmail, or you want to make sure your account is secure, take a minute to complete our Gmail security checklist to make sure your mail security measures are up to date.

Some related books:


OBIEE - 11g Inbuilt Mapping and Spatial capability - Setup BI Presentation Part II

JainSys Inc.
Continued from : OBIEE - 11g Inbuilt Mapping and Spatial capability - Setup BI Presentation server

I had to reboot the server to take care of some upgrades. When I restarted the server and fired up the BI services, my reports with the "map view" stopped working.
On further analysis I found that the MapViewerhas lost the configuration changes that were made to it including the DataSource configuration, and my system is no longer working.

When I try to recreate the Datasource I am getting an error:

Data source cannot be created : MAPVIEWER-00011: Error creating a map data source.

I am following up on this with Oracle Support and will update this post when I am able to restore the MapViewer settings.

In the mean while, please go through these documents:

Overview of MapViewer

Configuring Advanced Options for Mapping and Spatial Information

Oracle Spatial Developer's Guide.

OBIEE - Configuring Mapping and Spatial Information

Fix for the error.


JainSys Inc.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

OBIEE - 11g Inbuilt Mapping and Spatial capability - Setup BI Presentation server

Continued from -> OBIEE - 11g Inbuilt Mapping and Spatial capability - Setup MapView

After you have configured and tested the MapViewer, log into the BI Server and go to the Administration.
Click on the "Manage Map Data"

Click on the New Icon on the Layers Tab, and select all the Layers in the list box. Repeat for "Background Maps" and "Images" tables.


Architect - Oracle Engineered Systems
BuzzClan LLC

BuzzClan is a business consulting company collaborating to provide Oracle software advisory services & implementation services. BuzzClan LLC is committed to providing substantive business value on each and every client engagement. We do this through a combination of industry-specific business expertise, technical skills, proven project management methods and our “onsite - off site - offshore” delivery model. We strive to work in partnership with our customers to build high-performance teams and create business solutions that will last.

OBIEE - 11g Inbuilt Mapping and Spatial capability - Setup MapView

Continuation from last post:
OBIEE - 11g Inbuilt Mapping and Spatial capability - Setup OBIEE

The next step is to setup the MapView component.

Download the sample mapping data from this link MVDemo, and follow the instruction in the included pdf file. This will create a sample spatial data which can be used to jump start the map implementation in reports.

Once the data dump is imported fire up the MapViewer configuration. Go to the EM and navigate to
Application Deployments > mapviewer(11.1.1)(bi_cluster) and click on the link under Web Modules.

It will take a few and the MapViewer configuration screen will come up.
Click on the Management tab on the right, and login if prompted (the userid/password will be the same as that of the weblogic admin).
Copy the configuration file, and paste on any text editor. Search for " <map_data_source name="
you will see a block like this:
<map_data_source name="mvdemo"
jdbc_host="your db host name"
jdbc_sid="your db sid"
jdbc_port="your db port"

replace the jdbc values as per your db setup. Leave the plsql_pacage value intact. for details, refer to the step II in the pdf that came along the demo files.

paste this back into the configuration file, and remove the comments, if any around this block. Click "Save & Restart". Once the server comes back, test the mapviewer by going to this link, and clicking "Submit" You should see a map.

http:/<your Server>:9704/mapviewer/demo/secure-mapping.html

Further reading: Oracle documentation - Introduction to MapViewer

Next - Step III Setup BI Presentation server

Architect - Oracle Engineered Systems
BuzzClan LLC

BuzzClan is a business consulting company collaborating to provide Oracle software advisory services & implementation services. BuzzClan LLC is committed to providing substantive business value on each and every client engagement. We do this through a combination of industry-specific business expertise, technical skills, proven project management methods and our “onsite - off site - offshore” delivery model. We strive to work in partnership with our customers to build high-performance teams and create business solutions that will last.

OBIEE - 11g Inbuilt Mapping and Spatial capability - Setup BI Server

JainSys Inc.
As you click the + button on the compound view while creating a report, you will now see a new item - Map.
OBIEE now has the capability to include map views on a report. This functionality is provided by the Spatial boundary data provided by NAVTEQ. This spatial data and any other spatial meta data, including themes and styles, must be stored in an Oracle Database to be accessed by Oracle MapViewer for display in map views.
If you try to add a map view to the report, you may see this error message:

A basemap is required to render a map. Please ensure that at least one basemap is defined in the spatial meta-data
 Error Details
Error Codes: EMGUNIA3
Location: saw.views.evc.activate, saw.httpserver.processrequest, saw.rpc.server.responder, saw.rpc.server, saw.rpc.server.handleConnection, saw.rpc.server.dispatch, saw.threadpool, saw.threadpool, saw.threads

The basic installation takes care of the installation, but does not complete the configuration part. There are two modes in which the spatial data can be configured:
  • Remote MapViewer : The Map Viewer is a separate server, and mitigate the cross-browser AJAX communication issues, a proxy is established on the main server. Also known as proxy mode. If a separate remote instance of MapViewer is configured as the rendering engine, then the browser cannot communicate with the remote instance for resources. Browsers do not allow cross-domain AJAX calls for security reasons. To overcome this limitation, all requests are first forwarded to the co-located MapViewer, which in turn communicates with the actual remote instance.
  • Co-located MapViewer : Also known as non-proxy mode. If the MapViewer is located in the same domain as Oracle BI EE and used as the rendering engine, then all map resources (such as JavaScript files and images) are downloaded from that instance of MapViewer.
To configure the map viewer in a Non-Proxy mode, add the following configuration to the instanceconfig.xml file.

Step II - Setup Mapview
JainSys Inc.

[nQSError: 46033] Datatype: 25 is not supported

With OBIEE 11g, I was not able to import metadata from an Access db. More on that later.

I ended up hand coding the physiscal layer and when I was testing the table definiations for correctness, I ran into a couple of nQSError 46033/25 not supported.

Several forums on OTN suggested "wierd characters" within the definiation, but I could'nt see any thing out of place.

Digging into the NQQuery.log file showed me that the following entries:

[<time>] [OracleBIServerComponent] [TRACE:5] [USER-0] [] [ecid: 00hyAdAozFn4MupKcQV4Ep0001j00004Rl] [tid: 1a64] [requestid: 1ba20001] [sessionid: 1ba20000] [username: <>] ############################################## [[
-------------------- SQL Request:
EXECUTE PHYSICAL CONNECTION POOL "<>"."Connection Pool" select "SocCode", "SocDescr", "SocTitle" from "Soc"

This gave me the SQL Query. This is a marked improvement over 10g, in 11g you can get the query generated in the logs, even when u are running test data pulls in RPD. I took the query -

select "SocCode", "SocDescr", "SocTitle" from "Soc"
and ran it in Access. There the error message was even more cryptic:

"Syntax Error in Query. Incomplete query clause"

On further analysis, one of the column name is not right - the SocDescr is defined as SocDesc

So if you are seeing [nQSError: 46033] Datatype: 25 is not supported., see if the column defination has changed since the metadata was imported.

Till next time, while I struggle with auto import of metadata from Access.

Architect - Oracle Engineered Systems
BuzzClan LLC

BuzzClan is a business consulting company collaborating to provide Oracle software advisory services & implementation services. BuzzClan LLC is committed to providing substantive business value on each and every client engagement. We do this through a combination of industry-specific business expertise, technical skills, proven project management methods and our “onsite - off site - offshore” delivery model. We strive to work in partnership with our customers to build high-performance teams and create business solutions that will last.

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