Continuation from last post:
OBIEE - 11g Inbuilt Mapping and Spatial capability - Setup OBIEE
The next step is to setup the MapView component.
Download the sample mapping data from this link
MVDemo, and follow the instruction in the included pdf file. This will create a sample spatial data which can be used to jump start the map implementation in reports.
Once the data dump is imported fire up the MapViewer configuration. Go to the EM and navigate to
Application Deployments > mapviewer(11.1.1)(bi_cluster) and click on the link under Web Modules.
It will take a few and the MapViewer configuration screen will come up.
Click on the Management tab on the right, and login if prompted (the userid/password will be the same as that of the weblogic admin).
Copy the configuration file, and paste on any text editor. Search for "
<map_data_source name="
you will see a block like this:
<map_data_source name="mvdemo"
jdbc_host="your db host name"
jdbc_sid="your db sid"
jdbc_port="your db port"
replace the jdbc values as per your db setup. Leave the plsql_pacage value intact. for details, refer to the step II in the pdf that came along the demo files.
paste this back into the configuration file, and remove the comments, if any around this block. Click "Save & Restart". Once the server comes back, test the mapviewer by going to this link, and clicking "Submit" You should see a map.
http:/<your Server>:9704/mapviewer/demo/secure-mapping.html
Further reading:
Oracle documentation - Introduction to MapViewer
Next -
Step III Setup BI Presentation server
Architect - Oracle Engineered Systems
BuzzClan LLC
BuzzClan is a business consulting company collaborating to provide Oracle software advisory services & implementation services. BuzzClan LLC is committed to providing substantive business value on each and every client engagement. We do this through a combination of industry-specific business expertise, technical skills, proven project management methods and our “onsite - off site - offshore” delivery model. We strive to work in partnership with our customers to build high-performance teams and create business solutions that will last.